Bizwhiz is a small family today and is looking for energetic individuals who have the passion and attitude to learn through experience. We don’t look at the educational background alone. We believe that each individual has his/her own strengths and weaknesses. If they have the right attitude to learn and have the determination to overcome their weaknesses, they are the right candidates. Fresh Graduates of any discipline (of course, our preference would be Commerce, but no bar), Chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants either beginners, half way through or fully cleared candidates interested in financial, management, investment consulting can look at our profile in the website and see whether their interests and objectives will match.

We work with small and medium enterprises in multiple segments – software, infrastructure, real estate, hospitality, interiors to name a few. We work as Virtual CEO’s and Virtual CFO’s and specialise in turning around loss making enterprises into profit making enterprises with number focus and attention to detail. Good communication skills, reasonably good academic record coupled with honesty, integrity and the right attitude shall be the deciding criteria. Location can be either Chennai or Bangalore. Come, join our talent pool to explore more!

If you are interested, please mail us your latest CV at